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Our Banking Products.
As a Microfinance bank set up to bring specialized banking services to the micro, small, medium enterprises, Maxitrust MFB  Limited has the following as its focus:

 • Maxi Salary Advances  

Workers in establishments can approach our bank for soft loans to meet their
pressing needs in view of their on coming salaries. Our interest rate is impressive
and the response time is equally fast.

 • Maxi Group Solution Scheme  
This scheme provides easier credit by groups such as co-operative societies, faith
or church based associations, town unions, social clubs, etc.
The group leadership and followership; group pressure, solidarity, co-operation, regulation, policies and principles, and so on, are greatly explored to achieve desired results for both the groups (customer) and the bank. A group current account will be opened and members’ individual accounts will be maintained and well run as prerequisite for facility.
 • Maxi Trust Credit (MTC)  
This is a special and exclusive facility that can be granted to our customers that
have a clean and unquestionable record of business/banking relationship with the
bank on merit of KYC golden rule and adjudged to have enhanced, built and
promoted our BRAND through Maxi Trust, bond and loyalty over time.
This facility enjoys our lowest interest charge and other wavers.
• Micro Finance Scheme  
We encourage investment in cottage industries and income generating projects for
the economically active poor persons as prescribed by CBN. We also provide services to hedge various risk relating to micro finance activities.
  Our customer care team is available online 24/7 to answer all your enquiry.

084-464-577, 084-464-578, 0803-309-2676. 0805-133-4455,
                  0704-443-1137, 0704-564-8242.

  e-mail:  info@maxitrustbank.com, maxitrustmfbank@gmail.com

 • Maxi Plus Account
 • Maxi Thrift Savers Scheme
 • Maxi HomeQuip
 • Maxi Group Solution Scheme
 • Maxi Educational Loan Account
 • Maxi Festival Account (MYFESA)
 • Maxi Trust Credit (MTC)
 • Maxi Bumper Save Account     (MABUSA)
 • Maxi Mastappren
 • Consortium lending
  Non-financial Advisory Services
 • Maxi Empowerment/Business
    Start-Up Financing
 • Financial Advisory services
 • Asset Acquisition Loan
 • Micro Finance Scheme
 • Maxi Salary Advances
 • Great Child Account
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