Our Banking Services.
As a Microfinance bank set up to bring specialized banking services to the micro, small, medium enterprises, Maxitrust MFB Ltd has
the following as its focus:
• Buying, selling and supplying industrial and agricultural inputs, livestock, machinery
and industrial raw materials to poor persons on credit and acting as agents for any
association for the sale of such goods or livestock.
• Investment in shares or equity of anybody corporate, the objective of which is
to provide microfinance services to poor persons.
• Encouragement of investment in cottage industries and income-generating projects
for poor persons as may be prescribed by the CBN.
• Provision of services and facilities to customers to hedge various risks relating
to microfinance activities.
• Provision of professional advice to poor persons regarding investments in small
businesses, rendering managerial, marketing, technical and administrative advice
to customers and assisting them in obtaining services in such fields.
• Mobilizing and providing financial and technical assistance and training to
• Provision of loans to microfinance clients for home improvement and consumers credits.
• Performance of non-banking functions that relate to microfinance business
development services, such as co-operatives and group formation activities,
rural industrialization and other support services needed by micro enterprises.
• Collections of Government levies. |